We've made some big updates to carbon.txt thanks to funding from NGI Search.
Learn more in this blog post

How to link two domains using HTTP Via headers domain hashes

HTTP requests and responses can contain a number of extra headers, which you can use to send along extra metadata about the server serving the request.

Carbon.txt supports using the HTTP Via header, to declare that a HTTP response has been sent along by one or more intermediate entities. In our case usually a managed hosting provider.

  1. Follow the steps above to create your carbon.txt file

    Follow Steps 1 to 3 of the Getting Started guide above to create a carbon.txt file for your organisation.

  2. Create a domain hash for the domain you want to show as green

    Create a domain hash. This is a SHA256 hash of your shared secret and the domain you want to establish a link to.

    Use the form below to create one.

    Green Web Foundation login details:
  3. Set the via header on HTTP responses to requests for the domain you want to show as green

    For example: my-org.com also owns me.my-org.com. In order to link me.my-org.com to the main carbon.txt file, when a request comes in for me.my-org.com, you would configure the server serving the request to add the following Via header.

    Via: 1.1 https://my-org.com/carbon.txt <generated_domain_hash>

    Note: the domain hash would be a 64 character hash of me.my-org.com and your shared secret.

    We maintain a set of server config setup examples folder on github, for popular open source servers like Nginx, Caddy, Apache, and so on (pull requests gratefully accepted).